يوليوThe Network of Indonesian Journalists released a poll related to the 2024 Jember Regional Election.
In the meeting, Said revealed that PKB has a strong chance of nominating Anies for the Jakarta gubernatorial election. "If PKB, as far as I know, if I heard correctly, God willing, Anies Rasyid Baswedan," he said. Said mentioned that the results of the meeting with Cak Imin have been reported to PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto and PDIP DPP Chairwoman Puan Maharani. He also stated that he would report the view to PDIP Chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri. "It's not certain with PDIP, we share views, not seeking agreements. My task is to report to Ms. Puan, to Mr. Secretary General," said Said. "There might be meetings with the Chairwoman later, discussing the results of every lobby or friendly meeting among the elites," he stated.
**PKB: We Want to Build Jakarta Together with PDIP** The National Awakening Party (Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa) has expressed its desire to build Jakarta together with PDIP. PKB Secretary General Hasanuddin Wahid stated that PKB's cadres and grassroots supporters are pushing for Anies Baswedan to run in the Jakarta Pilkada. He believes that the decision would be even better if PDIP also supports Anies. "Basically, we want to build Jakarta together, with PDIP also joining us," said Hasanuddin Wahid to reporters on Tuesday.
Previously, PDIP DPP Chairman Eriko Sotarduga revealed that if his party cooperates with PKB to nominate Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta Pilkada, his party would offer the gubernatorial seat in East Java to PDIP. "For example, if in Jakarta PKB becomes the gubernatorial candidate. Is it okay if in East Java PDIP becomes the gubernatorial candidate? It’s not a barter, but that’s what cooperation is, we cannot work alone, we cannot be egotistical because we cannot progress alone," said Eriko at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on June 25, 2024.
The findings show that three figures are contending in the 2024 Pilkada in Jember: Faida, who served as Regent from 2016-2021, DPRD East Java member Muhammad Fawait, and Hendy Siswanto, the incumbent Regent of Jember. "The data reveal that Siswanto and Faida are very well-known by the people of Jember, with awareness rates above 80 percent. 82.7 percent of the people know Faida, Hendy Siswanto has 78.7 percent recognition, and 65.7 percent are aware of Muhammad Fawait. Other figures, such as Jaddin Wajads, Education Head Achmad Sudiyono, and Hadi Supaat of PDI Perjuangan, have recognition levels below 40 percent," said A. Irawan in a formal statement on Saturday.
Irawan mentioned that the data found the acceptance levels of regent hopefuls for Jember. The acceptance level of Hendy Siswanto is only 48.7 percent, under 50 percent, while ex-regent Faida has an approval rating of 78.6 percent. Meanwhile, Muhammad Fawait has an acceptance level of 53 percent, and other individuals such as Wajads, Sudiyono, and Supaat all have public receptions below 50 percent. "From the JJI survey, the electability (Top of Mind) of Faida as a regent candidate for Jember is in the top position with 37.7 percent. In second place is Hendy Siswanto with a 20.7 percent preference, followed by M. Fawait with an popularity rating of 17.7 percent," he clarified. Other figures, like Wajads, have 4.6 percent, and Hadi Supaat has 3.6 percent, with other candidates below 2 percent.
Previously, the President of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Ahmad Syaikhu, officially announced the Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman pair for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. The announcement was the result of a Central Leadership Council (DPTP) PKS meeting on Thursday, June 20, 2024.
The meeting addressed economic inflation and the 2024 local elections (Pilkada). "Oh yes, when party leaders meet, they discuss many things. But what we discussed was inflation. We also talked about the Pilkada," Zulhas said reporters in the Presidential Palace Complex in Jakarta, Friday, June 14, 2024. Zulkifli Hasan said he proposed ex-Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, to be nominated for the 2023 Jakarta Pilkada. According to him, the suggestion was agreed upon by the party chairpersons who attended the meeting. "Yes, I proposed Ridwan Kamil for Jakarta, and everyone agreed," he stated. When asked whether Kaesang might accompany Ridwan Kamil in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada, Zulhas said that it has not been determined yet. However, he noted that the party leaders needed Kaesang to win the Pilkada. "Yes, I believe so. I reported at that time to the President whether Kaesang could. The President responded, 'No'. But the parties need him," he added. "Yes, but the parties need him. For what? To win," continued. He thinks that Ridwan Kamil wouldn't mind whoever runs with him in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada, as long as it ensures victory. Zulhas mentioned that Ridwan Kamil's running mate would be decided by the party leaders. "Mr. RK (Ridwan Kamil) would accept anyone as long as they ensure victory. As long as they secure victory, we will decide together," noted Zulhas.
Syaikhu mentioned that some people have already referred to this pair by the acronym AMAN. "We believe the Anies Sohibul Iman pair, some have already called them AMAN. Whatever, it's up to you," continued Syaikhu.
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