يوليوUnderstanding how to check voter data online becomes very important during the 2024 Pilkada in Indonesia.
"Lumajang is added to this Pilkada because of a notable incident in the past," said Inspector General Imam at the Mapolda Jatim on June 21, 2024. Therefore, according to Irjen Imam, there will be changes in the safeguarding measures between the Pilkada and the last election. This will be adjusted to the characteristics of each region. "The security patterns will undoubtedly vary; we are currently assessing the Pilkada potential vulnerability index (IPKP) of each region," said Sugianto. "God willing, in August and September, after the candidate announcement, we will understand how to chart the security patterns in each region," added Irjen Imam.
In addition to charting the high-risk areas for the 2024 local elections, the Regional Police are also focused on securing the recount in two regions, Jember as well as Pamekasan, for the DPR RI and DPRD Kabupaten elections to be held in the city of Surabaya on 23rd June 2024. The election boxes for the recount are currently well protected at the East Java Police HQ. The Regional Election Commission intentionally placed the election logistics because, in accordance with the ruling of the Constitutional Court, the police were appointed to provide security.
"Mr. Ahok and Mr. Djarot are being urged to run in North Sumatra. This is interesting because North Sumatra needs significant changes," said Eriko at the PDIP DPP Office, Central Jakarta, as quoted on Friday (17/5/2024).
1. February 27 - November 16, 2024: notification and registration of election observers
2. 24 April-31 May 2024: submission of potential voter list
3. May 5 - August 19, 2024: fulfillment of requirements for independent candidate support
4. May 31 - September 23, 2024: updating and compiling voter lists
5. 24-26 August 2024: announcement of candidate registration
6. 27-29 August 2024: candidate registration
7. 27 August-21 September 2024: candidate requirement review
8. September 22, 2024: determination of candidates
9. September 25 - November 23, 2024: campaign period
10. 27 November 2024: voting day
11. November 27 - December 16, 2024: vote counting and result recapitulation
Recount in Surabaya "We have readied a warehouse and assigned security personnel. From our accord with the KPUD along with Bawaslu, we have set up three locks, each held by Bawaslu, KPUD, and the law enforcement authorities," he said. "Thus, we guarantee that the ballot boxes are safe and that the recount process will be conducted smoothly," he concluded. Meanwhile, KPU Chief for East Java Aang Kunaifi stressed that the city of Surabaya was chosen for the ballot recount, considering several elements. "Namely, considering security concerns and other elements such as the process of transitioning the KPU leadership," said Kunaifi.
The event was enlivened by performances from the music group "Glidcoustic" and singer Happy Asmara, who entertained thousands of attendees. East Java KPU Chairman Aang Kunaifi invited the community and all stakeholders to join in making the simultaneous regional elections in East Java on November 27, 2024, a success. "We want to emphasize that, regardless of the conditions or choices in East Java, it is up to the people. The hope is that the regional elections in East Java can be conducted in a joyful manner, resulting in leaders who can bring progress to East Java," he said, Tuesday night (4/6/2024).
"If Mr. Ridwan Kamil runs in West Java, PKB will create its own alliance," stated Huda at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on Wednesday. Regarding the chance of forming a coalition with PDIP in West Java, If you loved this article and you simply would like to collect more info regarding jokowi jamin pilkada adil nicely visit the web site. Huda admitted that there has been no formal communication. However, PKB and PDIP have shared information. "There hasn't been communication with Kang Ono. We have exchanged information but it hasn't reached the stage of discussing whether to meet or not. So it hasn't reached that stage yet. PKB's priority for West Java is to declare a coalition first, not focus on the figure, so for now, the candidate is not PKB West Java's focus," he stated. However, he hopes that the coalition formed will have chemistry so that in the next few weeks it can be declared. "We will form a coalition with the same chemistry, hopefully it can be announced in the coming weeks," he continued.
M. Syahrul showed his thanks and acknowledgment for being granted the responsibility to compete in the Pilkada in Gresik. "We will quickly organize and engage, as well as reach out and engage with the community to realize the objective of winning," he said on Monday (24/6/2024). When asked about his explanation for choosing Tri Putro Utomo as his deputy, Syahrul noticed the potential and notoriety that is hoped to gain support. "Mas Tri is a successful entrepreneur, he also symbolizes the south of Gresik, while I symbolize the central and north. Our acronym 'Santri' is a representation of Gresik," said the 33-year-old politician. Expected to go against the sitting candidate, Syahrul stated that he is ready and committed to making Gresik greater and more developed. With the endorsement given to the "Santri" team, PKB and NasDem came to terms to join forces in the election set for November 27th, 2024. Even though they have the required seats to register with the KPU (PKB 14 seats and NasDem two seats), they are still communicating with other political parties that have aligned visions and missions.