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Pantarlih are an integral part of the 2024 Pilkada process.

Pantarlih are an integral part of the 2024 Pilkada process.

PKS Calls on NasDem and PKB to Back Anies-Sohibul Iman A. Syaikhu intends to call on other political parties to back the Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman ticket in the Jakarta election 2024. Syaikhu noted that his party lacks the necessary seats to nominate the governor and vice governor candidates in the Jakarta Pilkada. "Therefore, we have already talked with our coalition partners from the national election," said

President of PKS A. Syaikhu shared the reasons for supporting Baswedan and Iman for the Jakarta election in 2024. Anies is considered a successful leader during his time leading Jakarta. According to Syaikhu, Baswedan's achievements has pleased the people of Jakarta. "Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan effectively worked as Jakarta's governor from 2017-2022 with various milestones in multiple sectors of advancement, advancing the city and satisfying its populace," said Syaikhu at the opening of the Party Leadership School at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (25/6/2024). Meanwhile, Sohibul Iman, Syaikhu stated, is a scholar with a notable experience in government. "Mr. Sohibul Iman is a policy specialist and a scholar who acted as the president of Paramadina University. He has experience in the legislature as Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI for the 2013-2014 session and was also the president of PKS from 2015-2020," stated Syaikhu.

Syaikhu highlighted that PKS is a party of cadres with a mandate to foster and renew political leadership. Therefore, he said, in the 2024 Pilkada, his party will nominate party members to run as regional head candidates. "Especially in core regions where PKS is the leading party or holds the majority of DPRD seats. PKS will make every effort to promote its own cadres as candidates," said Syaikhu.

044748700_1711650442-683a88f8-0c27-4738-af0a-da2d1915fd19.jpg**Pantarlih Salary** The salary for Pantarlih in the context of the 2024 Pilkada has been set at Rp 1,000,000 per month. This amount is regulated in KPU Decision Number 472 of 2024 and the Ministry of Finance Letter Number S-647/MK.02/2022. This salary is part of the compensation received by Pantarlih for performing their duties during the one-month period, from June 24 to July 25, 2024. In addition to the monthly salary, there is also accident compensation provided to Pantarlih in certain situations. For more information about Calon penerus Kamala Harris [https://www.letskeeptheseat.com/] check out our web site. The details of the compensation are as follows: Death: Rp 36,000,000 per person Permanent Disability: Rp 30,800,000 per person Serious Injury: Rp 16,500,000 per person Moderate Injury: Rp 8,250,000 per person Funeral Assistance: Rp 10,000,000 per person This compensation is a form of protection for Pantarlih who experience mishaps while performing their duties. The amount of compensation provided is based on the severity of the injury or loss experienced by Pantarlih. With the established salary and accident compensation, it is expected that Pantarlih can carry out their duties with dedication and responsibility while paying attention to safety and security aspects during the 2024 Pilkada.

032079500_1712236502-20240403_152320-01.jpegAnies mentioned that dialogue with all figures, including Prabowo, is essential for regional development. "In the end, we want every region in Indonesia to get leadership that advances and brings happiness to the residents," he said . "So, God willing, we will have dialogues with everyone, discussions with everyone," added the former presidential candidate

The Pilkada launching event signaled the start of the stages of the Regional Head Election (Pilkada). The Dompu Pilkada Mascot is a Buffalo. This mascot was chosen by the Dompu KPUD after opening a competition last April.

They are an ad hoc body with the main task of conducting voter data matching and research (coklit). This body is formed by the PPS and is responsible for ensuring that the voter list is current and accurate. [readmore:Read More](5497822 5517909 5517023) One of Pantarlih's primary duties is to conduct voter data verification in accordance with Model A Voter List or based on data from the General Election Commission (Komisi Pemilihan Umum). They do this by visiting voters directly from house to house, ensuring that the information they have about the voters is correct and up to date. The results of the candidate selection for Pantarlih for the 2024 Pilkada were just announced on June 21, 2024, with the names of those who passed the selection set to be determined on June 23, 2024. After being determined, the selected Pantarlih candidates will undergo their official inauguration. The main duty of Pantarlih after the inauguration is to carry out their functions with full responsibility, ensuring that the voter data update process runs smoothly and accurately for the success of the 2024 Pilkada. Here is a further review of Pantarlih's duties and salary as compiled by Liputan6.com from the bawaslu.go.id website, Tuesday (June 25, 2024). [vidio:VIDEO: Jakarta Pilkada and East Java Gubernatorial Election Candidate Market 2024](https://www.vidio.com/watch/8222090-liputan6-update-persaingan-sengit-bursa-cagub-jakarta-dan-jatim)

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