نوفمبرHong Kong stocks drop to 10-month low as Evergrande woes spark...
For years, the story of South Korean women has been defined by perseverance as they made gradual but steady progress in the workplace and fought against a deeply entrenched culture of misogyny and harassment. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon, File)
Sept 16 (Reuters) - Hong Kong stocks fell for the fourth straight day to a 10-month closing low, as shares of embattled Chinese developer China Evergrande Group tumbled to their lowest in a decade, sparking contagion fears.
"There's no (presidential) candidate worth trusting on polices aimed at helping the disadvantaged," she said. She is not hopeful about the upcoming Presidential election in South Korea.
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HSBC - already one of the most unequal banks in Britain in terms of gender pay - reported a wider mean average gap for the year, disclosing women were paid 45.2% less than men. This was up from 44.9% the prior year.
** "The investment lens through which global investors evaluate opportunities in China has changed and the strategies deployed towards investing in the Middle Kingdom need to adapt accordingly," wrote Norman Vilamin, CIO of Wealth Management at Union Bancaire Privee.
For years, the story of South Korean women has been defined by perseverance as they made gradual but steady progress in the workplace and fought against a deeply entrenched culture of misogyny and harassment. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)
"Women are being treated like they don't even have voting rights," the 27-year-old office worker in the capital, Seoul, said.
(AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon) As South Korea enters a bitter presidential race, Hong is one of many young women who feel that the country's politics has become dominated by discrimination against women, even outright misogyny.
Where pay gaps were further broken down by ethnicity, they showed the largest pay disparities were between Black and white employees.
The widest gap was Deutsche Bank's at 38.4%, though this narrowed slightly on the prior year.
SHANGHAI, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Chinese shares seen with links to "Metaverse", a virtual shared space based on virtual reality technologies, slumped on Thursday after their recent surge raised regulatory eyebrows and prompted state media to warn against investing in them.
The outpouring of generosity and love is overwhelming, especially from students and staff at my school. I have received so many emails, texts, cards, and phone calls wishing me well,' she continued. 'The healing process, as well as other proceedings, will take a long time.'
"Organisations think and say they're doing the right thing to advance gender equality in the workplace - but when it comes to taking action ... they are failing to deliver," said Ann Francke, CEO of the Chartered Management Institute.
The commentary came a day after the Shenzhen Stock Exchange sent a letter to Zhejiang Jinke Culture Industry Co, urging the mobile Internet firm to substantiate its claim that it has the customer base to develop Metaverse products.
LONDON, April 5 (Reuters) - HSBC, Goldman Sachs , Morgan Stanley and Standard Chartered reported a widening in the gap between what they paid women and men in 2022, according to data reviewed by Reuters.
Sarah Duffy, 34, from Manchester, rolled over on her ankle aged 26, and began to suffer from weak and brittle bones which led to her diagnosis of osteoporosis, which normally affects people aged 80 and over.
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - As South Korea enters a bitter presidential race, Hong Hee-jin is one of many young women who feel that the country´s politics has become dominated by discrimination against women, even outright misogyny.
Experts say that while the gender pay gap data is a blunt tool for measuring disparities - as it does not reflect gaps at the same level of seniority, for example - it can capture broad inequities and affect change.
Shenzhen Zhongqingbao Interaction Network, whose shares surged over 60% this week after the company publicly posted an article about Metaverse, said in an exchange filing on Wednesday that it is still in initial stages to explore the business, and cautioned investors against risks.
This indicates conservatives are successfully mobilizing their young male supporters to back broader agendas, including tougher approaches on North Korea and policies emphasizing economic growth over welfare spending. Younger women are left feeling largely unrepresented, presidents fun facts polls show.
'No one should ever have to endure what I went through that day. My children shouldn't have had to bear seeing their mother in that condition, either.
I have a long road of recovery ahead of me, but with the help of my children and friends, I will not quit until I am me again,' she wrote in a March 4 update.