تخطى إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

President of TigaEdu word

Peace be upon you

Believing in Egyptian students’ capabilities and the importance of receiving a decent education that is appropriate to their level of intelligence, we launched TigaEdu, a non-profit educational platform, in partnership with the best international educational institutions and technical services to be the first cornerstone of e-learning in Egyptian society, hoping that it will be a reason to improve the quality of education in Egypt for the better. 

We have hired a staff of qualified teachers including the winners of the Arab Creativity Award and postgraduate degree holders who have high skills in e-learning technology and tools to employ them in the best way, keeping in mind the advancement of the process of e-learning inside and outside Egypt by providing simulated virtual classrooms with unprecedented possibilities globally. 

To keep parents informed about the mechanism of the educational process, we have worked on our platform to provide one of the most powerful interactive educational programs that connect the student with his teacher and his parents to provide e-learning services through this program.

Our goal in establishing our platform is to become the pioneers in providing e-learning services at the global level and in the workplace; moreover, to make a milestone in educational systems.

In conclusion, we hope to be able to perform our mission in a way that befits us, our students, and the history of our country as we reproduce our culture and image and communicate it to the whole world. 

Dr. Mohamed Qinawi

President of TigaEdu Educational Group


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